Introducing: Verv Climate Control Devices

At Verv, we are committed to developing innovative solutions that help businesses enhance energy efficiency and sustainability. Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of our latest product: the Verv Climate Control Device. This cutting-edge technology addresses a common and costly issue—air conditioning units left running in unoccupied rooms or areas, often due to forgetfulness.

The Problem: Unnecessary Energy Consumption

It’s a familiar scenario for many building managers and tenants: at the end of the day, air conditioning units are frequently left on, consuming energy unnecessarily. This not only leads to increased energy bills but also contributes to higher carbon emissions, undermining sustainability goals. Traditional methods of managing air conditioning systems often involve hard switching units on and off, which can be inefficient and disruptive. Furthermore, it’s common for units to be left at unnecessarily high or low-temperature set points, leading to further unnecessary consumption as units battle to heat or cool zones.

The Solution: The Verv Climate Control Device

Our new Climate Control Device offers a smart, efficient solution to this problem. Leveraging advanced infrared technology, the device can remotely switch air conditioning units into standby mode when they’re not needed. This ensures that energy is conserved without compromising comfort.

Key Features of the Verv Climate Control Device:

  • Remote Control via Infrared: The device uses infrared signals to turn air conditioning units into standby mode and set temperature points, eliminating the need for manual intervention (the air-con unit must be IR enabled).

  • Customisable Presets: Building managers can set specific schedules and conditions for air conditioning units via the Verv portal, ensuring that units are only active when necessary and aren’t running out of hours.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The Verv portal provides an intuitive interface for setting up and managing presets, making it simple for building managers to optimise energy usage.

  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: By reducing unnecessary air conditioning usage, the device helps businesses cut energy costs and lower their carbon footprint.

How It Works

The Verv Climate Control Device seamlessly integrates with existing air conditioning systems. Here’s a step-by-step overview of its operation:

  1. Installation: The device is easily installed and configured to communicate with the air conditioning units.

  2. Configuration: Using the Verv portal, building managers can set up custom schedules and standby conditions based on occupancy and usage patterns.

  3. Operation: The device uses infrared technology to switch units to standby mode when the preset conditions are met, ensuring optimal energy usage.

  4. Monitoring: Managers can monitor and adjust settings in real-time through the Verv portal, providing complete control over air conditioning operations.

Benefits for Businesses

The Verv Climate Control Device offers numerous benefits for businesses, including:

  • Cost Savings: By preventing unnecessary energy consumption, businesses can significantly reduce their energy bills.

  • Sustainability: The device helps companies lower their carbon emissions, supporting their sustainability initiatives and compliance with environmental regulations.

  • Convenience: The ability to manage air conditioning units remotely and set up custom presets simplifies operations and ensures consistent energy efficiency.

Join the HVAC Efficiency Revolution

The Verv Climate Control Device is a game-changer for businesses looking to improve their energy management practices. By addressing the issue of unnecessary air conditioning usage, it offers a practical, efficient solution that benefits both the bottom line and the environment.

We invite you to learn more about the Verv Climate Control Device and how it can transform your building’s energy efficiency. Simply click the button below to speak to one of our experts.


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